Podcast Awesome
On Podcast Awesome we talk to members of the Font Awesome team about icons, design, tech, business, and of course, nerdery.
Podcast Awesome
What the Eff is the "FACU"?
Maybe you've heard the news? The team at Font Awesome has recently rebranded Shoelace as "Web Awesome!" To celebrate the occasion, we launched a Kickstarter. And we couldn't kick off a rebrand without a new video.
Check it out!
If you've been around these parts for very long, you know Font Awesome has a history of creating zany content, such as the Font Awesome 5 Kickstarter video from 2017. And for the Web Awesome video, we collaborated with the creative studio Knox Avenue once again.
The Font Awesome promo videos have been a real source of pride for our team. They're not only a great marketing tool but the videos give us a chance to showcase the personality of the brand.
As always, the actors involved in creating these videos were great to work with. We were fortunate to get several of the characters you know and love — Rob, Milton and Albert — along with a few fresh faces too!
All of the actors and the whole Knox Avenue team were great to work with as always and the actors and crew members went above and beyond to helped bring the vision of the scripts to life.
Check out the video version of this podcast on the Kickstarter page!
Stay up to date on all the Font Awesomeness!
Matt: All right, folks, so here's something a little bit different. As many of you know, we have launched a Kickstarter for Web Awesome. In 2022, we partnered up with Corey Laviska and his open source project, Shoelace. And since then, we've been working really hard to continue to build that out. And now we are rebranding as Web Awesome and we have started a Kickstarter. And I'll leave information in the show notes so you can go and check that out.
And for any of those Font Awesome fans out there that have been following us for any number of years knows, we've always got to put out a zany Kickstarter video. Maybe you remember the one from our 2017 Font Awesome 5 Kickstarter? Anyway, we've done a number of promotional videos with a great creative studio called Knox Avenue, and we wanted to get the band back together again, and so we got some of the same folks, the actors that you know and love from the Font Awesome videos, and got them involved in this new Web Awesome Kickstarter video. And I thought it would be kind of fun to talk to the team a little bit about the behind the scenes on the project. But to get the full effect, you're definitely going to want to watch the video version of this. This is actually just sort of a teaser. And we'll add the show notes where you can find that. So definitely check that out for the full episode.
So here's a little teaser of what you can expect.
Jory: OK, Matt, so the cat is out of the bag.
Matt: Indeed.
Jory: And as folks know, a year or so ago, we joined forces with the shoelace team. We locked them fervently in a room and bolted the door and put some padlocks on it. And I wouldn't let them out until they had worked their magic and had transformed shoelace into what we are now calling Web Awesome. We have a Kickstarter going right now, and that has all the deets, and we made a video for it. In the history of Fawn Awesome, I believe we've done, this will be our fourth video. So we did one for the Kickstarter for Fawn Awesome 5. We did one for the launch and pre-release of Fawn Awesome 6. And then we have one that's live on the website right now. And now the latest one, which we're talking about is for Web Awesome. But it's really fun because we've essentially built in this weird way this, what we are calling the FACU, the FACU, which is the Fawn Awesome Cinematic Universe.
Matt: That's right, folks, you heard it here first, the FACU, the Font Awesome Cinematic Universe. So Jory made it out to California to work alongside the Knox Avenue team, as well as our very own Isaac Chase and Lindsey Miller. And here they give us a little feel for what it was like to be on the ground at the time of the shooting of the video.
Isaac: They were just the coolest people. Here's Isaac. I was on set with them a few years ago. I want to say right before COVID. So it was in 2020 when we shot our second promo for Fawn Awesome 6.
Matt: Was that the one where they added that extra bit where they were in the hot tub?
Isaac: Yes. The hot tub of coffee. Yeah. The iconic hot tub scene. It was so weird because all these years had passed and they were still the sweetest people and they were asking me how I was, asking how my dad was.
Lindsay: So they were the coolest people to work with. Just a shout out to all of the actors that were involved, all the crew too especially. Here's Lindsay. We had a few. new actors that weren't a part of the previous Font Awesome and promos that played the host in the video and then Tom and Meg and a few other people. And it's just so cool because you spend, I don't know, collective hours of people's time at this company writing the script. and trying to envision what that looks like and then it's even better once it gets into their hands like between the crew and the actors it just it really explodes into something really really cool that you don't necessarily envision that kind of result when you're writing the script but absolutely phenomenal job to everybody involved it was so cool to see everybody work absolute professionals
Matt: So clearly the videos we've been able to shoot with the Knox Avenue team over the years have been a huge source of pride for us here at Font Awesome. And we really think they get across the personality, not only of the team, but of the brand in general. So anyway, I just wanted to give you a sneak peek of what we are up to. You'll definitely want to watch the video version of this podcast, and I've left a link of where you can watch that in the show notes.